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I am presently involved in helping two pipe organ enthusiasts build pipe organs in their homes. In both cases there is the wish to avoid the large pipes needed for the Pedal department, and so I have been asked to provide the deepest sounds electronically. One of the instruments has direct-electric action, and I have been very busy designing that part of it and also being involved in the construction.

These projects, worthy and interesting as they are, have slowed down work on my own project, but as time allows, I plan to develop my circuit ideas along the following lines, and to make the results available freely to any other enthusiasts who may like to use them:

1. True musical satisfaction as the ultimate goal, with the elements of beauty, interest, clarity and level of sound appropriate to the location.

2. Ease of construction using over-the-counter components likely to remain available in the future.

3. Relatively low cost a genuine priority (assuming the use of one’s own labour).

4. Ability to adjust the sound according to personal taste, but not requiring more than a basic knowledge of electronics.

You will notice that I have not included “imitation of the sound of the pipe organ to the Nth degree”.  In the early days of my project I realized that this type of goal leads either to great frustration or great expense. While I applaud the results of the later generations of digital organs (with which my techniques cannot compete commercially), I know there will always be organ enthusiasts who can “hear the difference”, no matter how hard one tries to imitate the real thing.  I am choosing to go along another path, which I believe will allow people without special technical knowledge to engage in an endeavour that will be genuinely creative and deeply satisfying.

I have already begun to compile a list of interested people who wish to be kept up to date with my project, and invite any others having the same interest to send me their email addresses for inclusion on the list. (This list is no longer being maintained, for reasons which become clear in the POST SCRIPT page.)