Configuring Jack PortAudio to connect to your soundcard
Getting a list of the Audio Device Drivers that Jack for Windows can Connect To
Open a Command Prompt,
Change directory to the Jack folder (i.e. cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Jack v1.9.8\")
Then run this command: jackd -d portaudio -l > driverlist.txt (that's an 'ell' for List, not a 'one')
Exit Jackd by entering Ctrl-C
Open the newly created driverlist.txt to see the list of supported devices
Changing the Jack PortAudio configuration command
This configures Jack to use the ASIO4ALL v2 driver, if you have another ASIO device then configure the 'Target' property with that device name. You will find the correct ASIO Driver name in the driverlist.txt file created above.
From the Windows Start menu, locate the Jack 1.9.8 folder and right click on Jack Portaudio icon, then select 'Send to Desktop' (this will place a shortcut on your desktop)
Now go to your desktop and right click on the Jack PortAudio shortcut, and then select 'Properties' (use right click to open 'Properties')
Add the following information to the 'Target' property:
"C:\Program Files\Jack v1.9.8\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::ASIO4ALL v2"
Click on OK.
Registering JackRouter for 64-bit Windows
The Jack v 1.9.8/64bits/JackRouter.dll still has to be registered "manually" with regsvr32 - so please try the following command to register the 64-bit JackRouter, and be sure to uninstall previous version before installing the new one:
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack v1.9.8\64bits\JackRouter.dll"
If you are using Windows XP 64-bit, then the JackRouter.dll that is installed with the Jack 1.9.8 64-bit installer has a bug. Please contact me for a work around [ggoode (dot) sa (at) gmail (dot) com]
Exiting the Jack Audio Server Console Window
Jack PortAudio will run by opening a console window, and will report its status at the command line. To exit the Jack Audio Server window click on the windows to select it, then press Ctrl-C to exit Jack.