jOrgan is a Java-based MIDI-Processor, in other terms a Java MIDI-IDE. Its open architecture allows for complex transmitting and dynamical modifying of MIDI-Messages on their way between MIDI-Encoders and MIDI-Decoders, by means of its own MIDI Programming Language MPL. A device being used to run jOrgan must also have a suitable version of Java installed.
The jOrgan core...
The jOrgan Extensions allow the user to...
use a graphical user interface
customize your disposition conveniently. Set your MIDI inputs and basic settings
execute arbitrary commands
utilize Creative Soundcards specific features
embed a Fluidsynth sampler in jOrgan
conveniently configure LinuxSampler
import elements from different sources
Use a virtual keyboard
connect to Midi devices on other computers with LAN devices
show disposition information on an LCD
store combinations in a Memory
merge midi devices
record and share your performances
connect SAMs driven stop tabs with your disposition
work with Soundfonts
work with Midi Tools and utilities
How can I use jOrgan?
jOrgan lets you use your computer as, e. g., a full featured virtual organ. Here's a simple chart that illustrates where jOrgan fits into the overall "organ" scheme. It recognizes that jOrgan and any associated sound rendering aspect are two separate components.
that for Windows users, Fluidsynth has been included in the
install process for convenience. It fulfils its purpose as a
suitable sound engine admirably. Users of other Operating Systems
may need to download and install Fluidsynth themselves. All users
are free to use whatever alternative sound engine they wish to,
assuming that it is appropriate for use with jOrgan.
jOrgan users have created their own custom dispositions to meet
their personal needs. Links to their shared work can be found
under "Shared
Probably all such dispositions assume the use of Fluidsynth.
following is a variety only, of what is freely available. Click on
each to enlarge.)
Note that you have to open the latest folder on the download page, if you wish to have the latest version. You should ignore the green download tab titled “Download Latest Version” and probably also the blue one titled “Get Updates”. Note further that it is not the case that each version of jOrgan is compatible with each and every version of Java or of Fluidsynth. These details are kept up to date on the STARTING page of the jORGAN DISCOVERY website.
→ Latest
installer for Windows
package for Linux
bundle for MAC
Resources And Research
may contain both internal and external links
→ jOrgan
mailing list recent archive (web-page Link)
→ jOrgan mailing lists archive
Source code
To do
Contribute To jOrgan
From the very beginning, jOrgan has been team work. There are several tasks which need maintenance.
If you have any problems with jOrgan or questions, please feel free to join our discussion.
To add content or suggest modifications to this jOrgan InfoBase, email the InfoBase Administrator at (john. reimer AT exemail. com. au - disguised; remove spaces).
Further Contribution Tasks
maintain the jOrgan language files (currently: English, Czech, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian)
add languages
→ pending feature requests in order to suggest features which you would like to see added to jOrgan. To do this, you need to be registered with SourceForge. Bear in mind that Sven Meier is no longer involved with adding any new features, and so response to your request cannot be guaranteed.
To do