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A Combination is a switch which changes the state of multiple elements by a single operation. It is usually used with a none duration.

Each time a combination is engaged, the referenced elements will set to their last state they were in when the combination was captured through a captor.


See switch for properties.


Switch, continuous
The elements to control state of.

Referenced from

The captor which captures this element.

See switch for further referrers.


See switch for messages.

Usually a combination utilizes a pair of activate and deactivate messages, so it will never lock in active state and is always ready to be used.

General Cancel

A general cancel is just a combination which deactivates all referenced switches. Be sure to let a general cancel reference all appropriate switches in your disposition, otherwise it isn't general ;-).

As jOrgan doesn't make a difference between general cancel and other combinations, you'll have to make sure by yourself that it is captured so that it deactivates all referenced elements.

Note that a combination's new reference is initially activating a referenced switch.

Combination Action

A combination is commonly known under the term combination action.

Lighted Piston

A combination with an infinite duration can be used as a lighted piston. Use a regulator to make sure only one of several combinations is active at a time.

The term lighted is used metaphorically here: Whether a combination is shown lighted or as a piston at all is dependent on the used skin.