1. I am getting sound, but there is static and crackles. What can I do?

2. I don't like the delay between playing the note and hearing the sound. What can I do?

3. I am getting no sound. What can I do?

4. Can I use a touchscreen with Linux?

5. Where do I find the many jOrgan dispositions created by Paul Stratman?

6. Does jOrgan work with Raspberry Pi?

7. Can I use jOrgan 320 or 3.21 if I have Java Version 11 installed?

1. I am getting sound, but there is static and crackles. What can I do?

You need to adjust the audio buffer numbers and/or size. The simplest way to do this is to use the Customizer (click on File, then on Customize). Click on “Next” a few times until you get to the last page, called “Customize Fluidsynth Sound”. You need to increase the number of samples in the buffer (typically 8 – modify it by increasing it by even numbers of samples i.e. to 10 or 12 etc.) and /or the buffer size (typically 512 – modify it by factors of two i.e. to 1024 or 2048 etc.). These increases will worsen the latency (i.e. increase the delay between playing a note and hearing the sound), so you should not overdo this. Press “Enter” before clicking on “Finish”. And if you are satisfied with the changes, make sure that you save the disposition.

2. I don't like the delay between playing the note and hearing the sound. What can I do?

Consult the answer given above, but reduce the buffer numbers and/or size, observing the guidelines in the answer. The creation of static and crackles indicates that you have gone too far. If you can't get a setting which satisfies you, the solution is to install the Fluidsynth backends. This process is described in the first topic of the ADDING page of this website.

3. I am getting no sound. What can I do?

There is no one simple answer, because there are too many variables.

If you are using Windows, you may find it helpful to consult this topic within John Reimer's INSTRUCTIONS pdf (pp.2-4). Although written for the BALMAIN VPO, it is applicable to any jOrgan disposition. Click HERE. As that document points out, although you seem to have jOrgan installed, perhaps some of the conditions for viable installation have not been fulfilled. It may be useful to check the Installation instructions found on the STARTING page of this website.

If you still do not have success, you can register for the Mailing List/Nabble Forum and ask for help. See the CONTACT page for details.


If you are using a Linux or a Mac computer, the problem may be rectified simply by altering the Audio Driver entry in the Fluidsynth Properties. With jOrgan running and a disposition open, go into Construct mode. (Click on the jOrgan "Construct" icon, which is found at the top left of the screen, immediately below "View" - it is the 3rd icon from the left. "Construct" means "build", and it is the mode to use whenever you wish to make changes to the disposition. But no sounds are possible until you come out of the Construct mode by clicking on its icon once more). Follow the advice given in pages 2-4 of John Reimer’s INSTRUCTIONS pdf* (click HERE). If you still have no sound, follow the advice given above to Windows users, regarding requests for help via the Mailing List/Forum.

4. Can I use a touchscreen with Linux?

If you are having problems, or are simply wondering, there is a webpage on the Ubuntu site which may help. Click HERE.

5. Where do I find the many jOrgan dispositions created by Paul Stratman?

Paul has moved his website from Joomla to Wordpress. Click on this link:


For dispositions created by other jOrgan users, click on this link:


6. Does jOrgan work with Raspberry Pi?

It certainly does. This is the main way I play jOrgan VPO’s on my home console organ, using two RPi 3B+’s. To begin with, one is dealing with audio and control of half the stops, and the other is dealing with the control of the rest of the stops. The main limitation is the RAM of only 1 GB, but I am getting superb results with a soundfont of about 200 MB. The release of RPi 4 with a RAM of up to 4 GB changes the whole landscape for jOrgan use. I have written a comprehensive tutorial which can be downloaded at this link:


7. How can I use jOrgan 320 or 3.21 if I have Java Version 11 installed?

If using Windows, find the jOrgan folder in the appropriate C:/PROGRAM FILES folder, and open its “lib” sub-folder. (In Linux, look in the /usr/lib/ folder). Delete the existing xstream .jar file and replace it with “xstream-1.4.15.jar”. You can download this file HERE. To make changes in the /jOrgan/lib/ folder, you may be asked for a password.

Other questions are welcome. Contribute via the details found on the CONTACT page.

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